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American guy’s journey to India – Part 5

This story was last updated on 2023-03-29. The information may be outdated.

This story is part of the American guy’s journey to India series

The official meetings I had in Delhi lasted four days, and then I stayed on for another week to do some field observations of the site where we were partnering to build a multi-use development, drawing deeply upon local, Hindustani architectural styles. I emailed one of my former professors who was an expert on the architectural history of north India and she gladly put me in touch with several academics and others to connect with. I was invited to some events and swanky dinners, but it was one in particular that turned out to be a major turning point, though it wasn’t very clear at the beginning. It was a dinner held by an American professor who was well-connected in the Indian scene. Lots of major players in academia, government, and international organizations were there. I was particularly keen to try and connect with both some local academics and people working for the UN. But my evening was hijacked, if you will, by a much more meaningful encounter. At some point over drinks, I was introduced to a former Indian ambassador, Ranvir Himmit Singh. I started in on my work and interest in Indian architectural styles and he immediately stopped me, telling me I must meet his wife, Simra. He searched the room and found her, walking us over to a stunning, statuesque woman with long, flowing gray hair (one of the few women who didn’t dye her hair), and who had perfect posture. Her clothes and jewelry were simple compared to some of the garish outfits, but very stylish and elegant. She was gracious, composed, and humble, yet she commanded your attention. I was awestruck just being in her presence. Over the next few hours, I managed to engross her in conversation. Toward the end of the evening, it was her husband who insisted that Simra and I go on an architectural tour of the city. Simra was delighted at the suggestion and I of course was flattered beyond belief that she would want to spend a day with me. The morning was spent driving around Delhi exploring old Mughal and colonial buildings. By early afternoon, we were exhausted and she suggested we return to the Imperial Hotel, where I was staying, for a relaxing lunch. After lunch, she wondered if she could wash up and so I took her up to my room. We sat in my room, ordered tea and samosas, and continued our conversation. At some point, the conversation became more personal. After asking about my family, Simra asked, “And any girlfriends? If my daughter wasn’t so wayward, I would certainly introduce you two.” “Well, I’m flattered you think so highly of me, but perhaps your daughter would not be so interested in architectural history,” I replied, laughing. “And wayward? What does that mean, if I may pry? Wayward can be good sometimes, it has its place.” “Perhaps. Let’s just say she is fiercely independent and doesn’t fully understand the impact of her actions. She’s abroad anyways, finding her own path in the world.” “Well, I can certainly see where she gets the strong will to be independent.” She chuckled. “Do you find strong, independent women a problem?” “No. Not at all. I’m quite enticed to say the least.” “Enticed? I’m, what, 30 years your senior? Though I must say you are enamoring. You are quite an accomplished and engaging young man.” “Thank you, but it is you that is so accomplished. I cannot thank you enough for spending so much time with me and teaching me so much. I’m humbled by your generosity and am totally enamored. Even if your daughter was not wayward and had an interest in me it would be a challenge not to be distracted by her beautiful and gracious mother.” “Oh my, you do know how to flatter an old woman.” “Not flattery, just the truth. Nor are you old. You truly are a gorgeous woman with a kind heart.” “Ah, now if I didn’t know any better, particularly knowing you American men, I would think you were trying for something more.” While saying this she had a big grin on her face. “So, tell me, given I’ve been married for so long, how would a modern woman today even reply to your flirtations? How do women these days let you know they are interested?” “Hmmm, good question. I suppose these days women can be direct and just approach the man and let him know their interests and desires. Or, if she preferred something more flirtatious and bolder, perhaps she would excuse herself to use the bathroom and while there, remove her bra.” “Oh my, that would be bold, wouldn’t it? What else might a woman do to flirt back?” “I suppose one could also feign a sore back or shoulders and ask for a massage, opening up possibilities for his wandering hands to please her.” “Oh, that sounds dangerous. I do have a sore back, but not so sure I trust your wandering hands!” It was such a turn-on just seeing her laugh and smile as we bantered about. Soon though our conversation turned back to other issues, and she queried me about my work and ambitions. After some time, she asked to use the bathroom. When she returned, my jaw dropped. There stood this most gorgeous woman in a loose, light blouse, braless, which she certainly wasn’t earlier. Her large breasts swayed and her nipples were obviously hard. She had a grin on her face but acted like everything was normal. I hesitated a moment, though she remained standing. I took it as an invitation and stood up and walked up right in front of her. Looking into her eyes, I asked her softly, “Is this what you want?” Her reply was to lean into me and kiss me. It was a gentle kiss. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into me, stroking her back. I then simultaneously opened my mouth, inviting her to open hers, allowing our tongues to dance about while I also grabbed her ass cheeks and pulled her into me. She melted into my embrace. My cock was now getting very hard and she positioned herself so she could rub it through my slacks, without breaking our kiss. After a few minutes of standing and making out, I stepped back, holding her hands, and just looked at her. God, she was gorgeous, particularly with the glow of being so sexually charged. Softly, I said, “Remove your blouse for me.” She let go of my hands and slowly undid the buttons of her blouse, the whole while not breaking eye contact. Once she slid her blouse off, exposing her naked breasts, I checked out her full body. I then leaned over and started to suck on her tits and slowly moved her towards the bed. I laid down beside her and continued my assault on her huge, soft breasts. Simra was not Indrani. It wasn’t about being taken. It wasn’t about her husband. It wasn’t a convenient sexual deviation. I sensed Simra wanted to be fulfilled. She wanted to be controlled, but not dominated, to be led into new heights of sexual pleasure. For her, it was about arousal, about being sexually fulfilled, about being enticed or seduced into unbound pleasures. She wasn’t passive, but she wasn’t aggressive. She surrendered to me, but also guided me. It was like our bodies molded into one another and found orgasmic release together. As I sucked on her breasts, she ran her fingers through my hair as I reached down and unfastened the loose pants she was wearing. I gently relieved her of her final clothes, seeing her fully naked laying on my hotel bed. Her hair was splayed out around her head, giving her an ethereal look. I then started to rub and kiss her inner thighs, slowly making my way up. She seemed to just let go and be in the moment, surrendering to the sensations of my tongue and fingers sliding into her pussy. Between moans and gasps, she could barely speak, soon being overtaken by an orgasm. As her body relaxed following her release, I knelt up and off the bed, stripping off my own clothes. She lay there watching me, panting, holding out her hand when I finished to guide me back down on top of her. She glowed with erotic sensualism. Never had I been with a woman who radiated such pure and raw sexual energy, her body quivering in anticipation of receiving me. She spread her legs and I guided my cock into her and felt an electric charge surge through my body. Our bodies pounded into one another as we fucked, as I fucked this mature angel. I lifted myself off her body as I continued to fuck her; her eyes were closed and she seemed lost in the moment, enjoying each and every sensation racing through her body. I leaned down and kissed her neck, flicking my tongue in her ear, then kissed my way back to her neck, making my way down to her breasts. Keeping her eyes closed, she lifted one of her breasts up so I could suck on it as we continued to fuck. Soon her panting became louder, her gasps and moans more frequent, and her legs and arms wrapped themselves around me tighter as she reached her climax. Her body quaked as she pulled me into her, my face buried between her breasts. After a moment, giving her time to come down from her orgasmic high, I then pushed myself up and started pumping into her again. I knew I was getting close to shooting my load of cum into her, but wanted to give her one more orgasm. She opened her eyes and smiled as she saw me looking down at her. She then closed her eyes again and I sensed her letting go, getting lost in the pleasure of being fucked, of feeling a cock slide in and out of her pussy, of our sweaty bodies pounding into one another, of her breasts bouncing with each pump. Somehow, I managed not to cum until I sensed she was once again having an orgasm then I filled her pussy up. I kept shooting load after load of cum into her. I then collapsed onto her and she welcomed me with outstretched arms, holding me tightly, our bodies intertwined as one. We lay there for some time before she began to rustle and I rolled off of her. She had an ethereal smile, her eyes glowed. She ran her fingers through my hair and over my cheek. She then leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips. No words needed to be spoken. She slowly disentangled herself from my body, went into the bathroom, and started the shower. I got up and joined her, enjoying the pleasure of washing her body, my hands roaming freely across her breasts, her ass. She giggled and laughed, leaning back into me, as I began to finger fuck her, bringing her to yet another orgasm. By then, my cock was hard as rock again. While I was hoping for a blowjob, for seeing my white cock slide between her luscious lips, I had to settle for a handjob. I certainly couldn’t complain about having this beautiful mature woman pleasure me with her hand. I felt like I was walking on clouds afterward. We said very little as we dressed. At first, I was concerned that she regretted what happened, but her smile and glowing eyes made me realize that she thoroughly enjoyed our afternoon in my bed and had no regrets. “I must say, this is one of my most pleasurable and enjoyable days in India. You are an amazing woman and an even more amazing lover. I only hope you have no regrets about our time together.” “I know you may not believe this, but I’ve never done anything like that. I’ve never been in such a situation. My husband’s position was too delicate, I could never have done that to him. It was hard enough for him to be married to a Muslim woman, but he excelled and achieved what he wanted. I love him dearly.” She then chuckled, “looks like I’m the wayward one, not just my daughter!” “I don’t know about wayward, but I know pleasure comes in multiple forms that cannot always be pigeonholed and boxed into socially acceptable institutions and relationships. I want you to know that you can trust me. I have no desire to disrupt your life. But, I also want you to know that I have never been with a woman so gorgeous and whose passions and desires seemed so aligned with mine. Making love with you was effortless, it was like it was meant to be.” “You’re adorable. I do value what we did. I love being with you sexually, but also socially. Our morning together was truly delightful.” “As I said I have no desire to disrupt your life, but I would like to see you again. And I mean socially, not just sexually, though if that were to happen, I would be ecstatic. But I appreciate that it may not be the best thing. But I love being with you and hope we can visit more before I leave.” We chatted a little more, making sure she was comfortable with the situation. Before she left I leaned her against the door and kissed her. “You naughty boy. Now how will I ever be able to behave myself when I see you again?” With that, she slipped out the door and waved goodbye when the elevator arrived. The next day the ambassador himself called me and invited me to a dinner the next evening. The ambassador’s wife Simra called me later, making sure I would be on good behavior and not make any attempts to misbehave. As difficult as it was seeing her and not reflecting back on our afternoon together, on sucking on her breasts, on sliding my cock into her pussy, on feeling her hand wrap around my cock as she jerked me off in the shower, I did behave myself. I didn’t see her again before I left a few days later. Of course, I had Meera to look forward to upon my return to New York and, as luck would have it, was heading back to India six weeks later. This time though, via several days in Dubai, a voyage that would upend my life in ways I couldn’t imagine.

Story Title:American guy’s journey to India – Part 5
Story Author:lostyonder
Published Date:2023-03-29